1. Introducción Las presentes Condiciones Generales de Contratación (en adelante “CGC”) recogen los derechos y obligaciones de Borka…
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There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Today, obesity is one of the leading cause of premature death. Around 70% of the worlds population is overweight or obese.
When it comes to food, there are some cases when too much of a “good” thing can become a “bad” thing.
Healthy breakfast, healthy meals, healthy snacks, healthy everything. What is healthy even mean? Is low carb healthy? Is low fat healthy? Is gluten free or vegan healthy? Let’s face it. In the world of nutrition, the term “healthy” kind of lost it’s true meaning and value in the last decade or so. But everybody wants to eat healthy. Healthy is trendy.
Weight-loss isn’t linear, it is not consistent and regular, which can be frustrating and de-motivating when your are on a weightloss journey. Good weeks followed by bad weeks, unexplainable ups and downs…
“Ideal” body weight is often based on what we see promoted through media and social media. However, bodyweight does not always related to how a person looks at a certain weight.
In this article, we dispel the fog of the difference between the “nutritionist” and the “dietitian” professions.