What does online coaching mean?

Online coaching is a relatively new in the health and fitness industry, but thanks to the incomparable benefits…

Why fad diets don’t work

The truth is, most of the time the only thing these diets result in is being extremely hungry, impatient and tired, leaving you without progress and devastated.

Scale weight- does it matter?!

We are so obsessed with getting on the scale every day, or even multiple times a day. We believe scale weight determines wether we look good or not. Wether we lost weight or didn’t. But is it really that important?

Set up your metabolism for success

“But my metabolism is too slow”– The excuse of many many yo-yo dieter out there. The truth is,…

Fit or healthy. Fit AND healthy!

We are trying so hard to fit in, that sometimes we forget about our health.

Sustainable eating

The concept of sustainability means the production of food -both plant and animal products- with such farming techniques and practices that helps conserve natural resources and have minimal impact on the environment.

The importance of nutrition

A well balanced diet combined with regular exercises can help you get fit and maintain a good looking physique, but the benefits of proper nutrition go well beyond weight.